Bramley Grange Primary School

Bramley Grange Primary School

Part of White Woods Primary Academy Trust

Howard Road, Bramley, Rotherham, S66 2SY

01709 543664

Mental Health Support for Pupils


Ensuring that the children of Bramley Grange have their mental health needs met alongside their academic ones is of paramount importance to the school. Research has shown that if children are able to reflect on their own mental health needs then they will achieve better act school and also in later life . Therefore staff are currently having training in this in order to best support pupils.

Some children need increased support with their mental health due to:

  • A change of circumstances within the family including parental split and bereavement
  • A time of transition
  • Related to another diagnosis such as ASC or ADHD

To ensure that any barriers to equal access in our school are removed or overcome we monitor and track progress of all children so that the support provided is as effective as possible.  We welcome the full engagement of parents and carers and will, where necessary seek support and advice from specialists outside school to ensure we develop and maintain a range of flexible resources to meet the needs of all our children.

What should I do if I think my child has  Mental Health needs

  • Talk to their class teacher about the behaviours that have been
  • If your concerns continue, arrange a meeting to talk to the SENDco about next steps – e-mail or ring Bramley Grange Primary School to arrange the appointment

How does Bramley Grange identify  pupils with mental health needs ?

  • Because we track behaviour along side academic progress teachers will notice if there are any changes in behaviour.
  • Should we have a concern then we will contact you as parent/carer to discuss it and agree the next steps
  • Our staff have up to date training so that they are able to raise concerns with you in a timely manner.
  • Children may share how they are feeling to an adult whom they are comfortable with
  • When parents share that there is a change in the family home we will monitor that child closely

How does Bramley Grange  support a child with Mental Health Needs ?

  1. Teacher check in – teachers will make a point of checking in with the pupil on arrival at school, after break and lunch time and at the end of the day if they suspect that they are struggling
  2. Specific work around keeping themselves mental healthy – This forms a key part of the new PSHE curriculum and we run a workshops to support children with this
  3. Referrals to outside agencies : These are essential in supporting both the child and the family so that they can best support their child . Early Help will do an assessment to identify exactly what support would be best for the family and child. CAMHs locality worker has a meeting termly and will provide specific advice and strategies to support the child. MIND provide six 1 hour sessions to work with child on a 1-1 basis around a specific problem such as a bereavement or anxiety,
  4. Implementing Strategies from outside agencies – Any advice from external agencies will be implemented by school to support that child . This would be monitored to ensure it has a positive impact and also  regular review meetings to agree next steps .

Who at Bramley Grange is  involved in supporting your child with their SEND ?

Bramley Grange  Class Teacher  –

  • Support the child by checking in
  • Ensures that any strategies suggested by external agencies are being used.
  • Liaises daily with parents

Bramley Grange School SENDCo –

  • Supports teachers to provide the most appropriate strategies to support your child
  • Refers to and liaises with outside  support agencies so that children can be given the appropriate support. .
  • Constantly involved in monitoring progress of your child

Head Teacher

  • As part of their role for managing school they are responsible for overseeing the mental health and well being of all pupils in the school .
  • Makes sure that the Governing Body is kept abreast of any Mental Health matters relating to children or staff.

Mental Health Governor

  • Oversees the work of the Mental Health Lead in school .
  • Oversees the mental well being of the staff

What Mental Health  training have staff had or are having ?

All staff have  had basic training around supporting pupils with mental health needs. The Mental Health Lead and SENDco have had additional training which they are passing on to staff.

Who are the other people providing services to children with  Mental Health Needs at Bramley Grange?

Referrals will be made to any of the following agencies if needed for an individual pupil. As parents will be consulted about this  and the outcomes will be shared with you.

  • Early Help
  • CAMHs
  • Aspire Outreach
  • MIND counselling
  • Educational Phycologist

What support do we have for you as a parent with a child with Mental Health needs?

Regular meetings are held to discuss how your child is progressing at school and the focus will be on their well being rather than their academic progress. A child who is mentally well will perform much better academically. Early Help can provide additional support for you and your child at home.

How is behaviour supported at Bramley Grange?

We have a clear behaviour policy which is consistently implemented by all staff for all pupils. Should a child be struggling to meet our expectations, then  pastoral support will be provided to help them , If needed then a Behaviour Support Plan identifying specific strategies will be agreed between parents and staff. This will be implemented by all staff in school It will be reviewed and updated regularly.

How will Bramley Grange support your child when they are leaving this school or moving to another class. ?

When moving year groups, all children will visit their next class teacher before that summer and will then spend a couple of weeks in their new class. All information and strategies will be passed on .  Those in y6 who are leaving us will complete transition programmes with their next school . We have close links to Wickersley and pupils with mental health needs will be able to access an  enhanced transition programme and complete extra visits from the Christmas before they leave, Their needs will be shared with the receiving school so that they can put the correct strategies in place.

What emotional and social development does Bramley Grange provide for children with SEND?

As a school we deliver regular PSHE lessons for all children. These include work around relationships and managing our emotions as well as how to keep safe in today’s society.

Complaints Procedure

Please refer to policy on school website.